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Our story

Hello, I'm Anas

I'm on a journey to experience creative freedom... to explore form and function, light and shade, lines and dots...

In 2017, after two years of working with manufacturers, sourcing materials, and numerous design iterations, I created The Designer Backpack and produced the first batch, by that time, I was broke!

So, I turned to crowdfunding... nonetheless, my campaign failed! my dream of launching a brand was put on the shelf. However, I figured out a better way to do crowdfunding!

After three years, I created Fundlify App. A crowdfunding solution made for creators, startups, and brands looking for an agile way to fund their creations independently.

Today... back to where it all started, but this time using Fundlify as an engine for Crowdlify to do what I love the most, to create and curate inspiring products.